We have lived in the desert in an RV for 60 days. Today I am enjoying the warm sunny weather with my windows and front door open. The month of November went fast with visitors. This week has been good, crazy, and hard. Brad and I made several BIG decisions that will affect our family’s future. I am at peace but also freaked out. My heart feels callused, I’m not an emotional person and my emotions have been locked down tightly. Today, after a phone conversation, I shed tears and it felt good and foreign.
This week, I did have an interview with one of the government agencies regarding Bryson’s finances. I will have another one with them and I have been told it will be very hard… they will do all they can to find Bryson ineligible for benefits. I have great support with the agency we are working with who will help me know how to handle this interview. I emailed the other government agency we are working with and was told there are two more clients before Bryson for review.
Bryson and I decorated the RV for Christmas. As adamant as Bryson was about not decorating before Thanksgiving, he was just as adamant to get the décor up this week. He loves lights, LED lights and multi color!

Last night, Gordon and Bryson went to the Chicago Bulls and Phoenix Suns NBA game. From what Bryson tells me the Suns are leading their division and they hammered the Bulls last night. Bryson did wear his Bulls shirt, but he has already purchased a Phoenix Suns shirt. He said he will wear that when they are not playing the Bulls.

I’m not one to be vague with details but there are several decisions, happenings and issues that I would appreciate prayer for that I can’t specify on this public place. Hopefully I can share them eventually and share how God has moved in each of these areas.
Bryson and I are coming home the week before Christmas to spend time with family. Stevan will be home from Louisville where he is participating in YWAM and Kaden will be home from college. Sad truth is that Bryson doesn’t want to come home. I have learned a lot about him these last 2 months and realizing how detached he is emotionally. I know he loves all of us but when he is focused on something……that is what consumes him. I am looking forward to seeing family and friends, but not too excited about having to wear closed toe shoes and jackets!
Soooo much has happened in 60 days! Crazy! God has been busy! <3
Can’t wait to see what the next 60 hold! Definitely more shopping for sure! 😀