Books, Encouragement, Family, Memoir, Special Needs

A Dream 16 Years in the Making

Dear friends and supporters,

Your unwavering support during Bryson’s transition to Arizona and throughout my writing journey has been invaluable. Today, I’m thrilled to share some exciting news that’s been 16 years in the making.

Last Thursday, I received an email that brought tears to my eyes: my book, “In a Stroke of Love,” will be released on October 15, 2024. What began as a God-given moment 16 years ago is finally ready to be birthed into the world.

The writing process has been challenging and humbling, but above all, healing. I’ve learned so much about myself and forged new friendships with fellow authors in my cohort. Now, as I transition from writing to publishing, I’m discovering that bringing a book into the world is its own adventure.

Yesterday, I experienced a surreal moment: I searched for “In a Stroke of Love by Lisa J Plett” on Amazon, and there it was – my book, available for pre-order! After years of purchasing books on Amazon, seeing my own listed feels like a dream come true.

As with all of life’s journeys, this one also requires a village. You, my subscribers and friends, have cheered me on every step of the way, and I’m profoundly grateful. To help navigate the marketing process, I’ve enlisted the expertise of Sarah, a book launch manager.

Now, I’d love to invite you to be part of this final stage:

  1. Pre-order “In a Stroke of Love” on Amazon:
  2. Join my book launch team: Click here to learn more and sign up

Your continued support means the world to me.

With heartfelt gratitude,


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Published by Lisa Plett

Wife, mother, special needs mom, adoptive mom, daughter, sister and follower of Jesus.

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