

In my devotional this morning this quote stood out to me “You cannot have the fruit of longsuffering without suffering long.” I looked up longsuffering online and liked this description.

Longsuffering is love on trial. It enables you to forbear and forgive others (Colossians 3:13). As with the other manifestations of spiritual fruit, you can’t produce it in yourself. The ability to be longsuffering comes from the Holy Spirit (Colossians 1:11) and by loving God’s law. (Psalm 119:165) Longsuffering can also be referred to as patience. Patience is being mild, gentle, and constant in all circumstances. The real test of patience is not in waiting, but in how one acts while he or she is waiting. A person who has developed patience will be able to put up with things without losing his or her temper. Scripture tells us in James 1:4 “But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting (lacking) nothing.” Reaching this point is definitely a process which takes a lot of practice. However, we can learn to enjoy life where we are while we are waiting for what we desireReference:

I realize how often I have prayed for patience/longsuffering in so many situations and my purpose behind my prayer was to “get me out“.  But this prospective turns a whole new light on it all. It is not about waiting for something to be over but in how I act and what I learn during the wait.

 As some of you know I have been dealing with Fibromyalgia like symptoms for over a year now.  In some ways I feel paralyzed and just want to figure out what is going on and “solve” the problem.  But as I am thinking this morning, how have I been acting in the midst of this trial?  I know I have been a grumbler and I know I have a right to acknowledge my pain but I can’t dwell on it and let it consume me.  I want to be a testimony for Him during this trial to praise Him, glorify Him and I know He wants to teach me more about His grace, mercy and healing power. My desire,  As I suffer long, I can see more of His love for me and surrender it all to Him!!
Special Needs

Encouragement for Special Need Moms

I love quotes and I found these quotes online and wanted to share them as an encouragement to my friends who are living the special needs journey too.

“You’ve developed the strength of a draft horse while holding onto the delicacy of a daffodil … you are the mother, advocate and protector of a child with a disability.” ~ Lori Borgman

I thank God for my handicaps, for through them I have found myself, my work and my God.”  ~ Helen Keller

“I think a hero is an ordinary individual who finds strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.”  ~ Christopher Reeve

“I was slightly brain damaged at birth, and I want people like me to see that they shouldn’t let a disability get in the way. I want to raise awareness – I want to turn my disability into ability.”  ~ Susan Boyle

“The central struggle of parenthood is to let our hopes for our children outweigh our fears.”                ~ Ellen Goodman

 “Perseverance is not a long race. It is many short races one after another.”  ~ W. Elliot

“I know God will not give me anything I can’t handle. I just wish He didn’t trust me with so much.” ~ Mother Teresa

“Disability is a matter of perception. If you can do just one thing well, you’re needed by someone.”     ~ Martina Navratilova

“Anyone can give up, it’s the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that’s true strength.” ~  Christopher Reeves

I am careful not to confuse excellence with perfection. Excellence, I can reach for;                           perfection is God’s business.”  ~ Michael J. Fox

“I choose not to place “DIS”, in my ability.”  ~ Robert M. Hensel

“Courage is being scared to death – and saddling up anyway!” ~ John Wayne

“Just because a man lacks the use of his eyes doesn’t mean he lacks vision.” ~  Stevie Wonder

“Go as far as you can see; when you get there, you’ll be able to see further.” ~  Thomas Carlyle

 “What lies behind us & what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”    ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Children remind us to treasure the smallest of gifts, even in the most difficult times.”                          ~ Allen Klein


Can you take my place?

This morning Bryson had an MRI done.  His last one was 12 years ago when he was two years old.  The neurologist thought it would be a good idea to check and see if anything had changed in his brain since he has been having more seizure activity.   The MRI wasn’t a problem this morning; the part that was difficult was getting the IV put in.  Bryson has always been a hard stick and has had to have a lot of blood work done over the years with his seizure medications.  I usually don’t tell the technicians that he is a hard stick so they don’t have that in their minds.  Bryson is very good at telling them what to try and not try, and he watches intently ever time they stick him.  He likes to have the blood draws on his right side since he has decreased feeling there.  This morning they tried twice on his right arm with no luck and so they had to move to his left arm.  They got the IV in once and then it blew when they were flushing it, so they had to try again. At one point, there was a tech looking at his right arm and two looking at his left arm, with his arms stretched open he looked up at me and said “can you take my place?”  How do you answer that question?  Even as I type it now, my eyes watered and my heart aches.  Any parent who has had to watch their child go through something that involves pain, I’m sure can relate to this feeling, you just want to take their place and make it all better.  I just looked at him and told him I would take his place if I could.

Bryson never complains about the tough stuff in his life and he speaks straight from his heart.  I knew that those words were his way of telling me he didn’t like what was going on but it wasn’t spoken with any kind of complaint or blame in his voice, just truth.  When the technician that finally was able to get the IV in his left hand was leaving the room, with tears in her eyes she told me that he was an amazing kid, I just agreed with tears in my eyes too.  All day I have been processing this ache in my heart. I so often have questioned God with “why Bryson?”  But I am reminded again and again, how God makes no mistakes and Bryson has taught me more about the grace and love of God then any other experience in my life.  The picture that came to my mind after Bryson asked me that question in the position with open arms, was of Jesus on the cross with open arms, He did take my place!   It is hard for me to fathom sometimes the love my Savior had for me to die on the cross in my place.  I also find it hard to fathom the reason why Bryson has to experience such difficulties in life, but even if I never understand the reasons, what I do know is that God is always there to heal the brokenhearted, to give comfort to those hurting, His love never fails and all His plans are for good and not harm.  Knowing these things can bring me peace even when my heart hurts.


Fresh Eyes

The past several weeks have been crazy busy but really good.  I have been blessed with different opportunities that have given me fresh eyes!

Brad’s brother and  family came down from Manitoba to spend a week with us.  I was so reminded of the value of family.  The bond that is there even though 1100 miles separate us most of the time.  The joy of watching cousins play together and knowing that the beauty of adoption has allowed this relationship to happen.  Marveling at how these two boys can be so alike but don’t share the same blood line!! Knowing that it can only come from the Master and His creativity and His divine plan.

We hosted three young boys and a chaperone from the African Children’s Choir.  Listening to the boys talk to each other in their native tongue with such excitement and occasionally recognizing words such as cow, horse as we drove along the countryside.  New landscape, new experiences received with such freshness, such awe.  The beauty that is around me all the time that I take for granted.  The reality hitting deep down in my soul of the incredible blessings that God has provided me and the many people that are out in the world with nothing.   God, break my heart for those in the world, increase my thankfulness to you, humble my heart at your goodness, mercy and grace you shower on me.

I attended Come to the Fire Conference this past weekend in Illinois.  What a place filled with the Holy Spirit.  I heard again of the overflowing love of God, how He wants intimacy with me.  He wants to be my all and all, fresh eyes at the power of His love for me and How he desires for me to delight in Him.  He wants to be ENOUGH for me!

So amazed at how God orchestrates my life to teach me, to grow me and to give me fresh eyes to see the beauty of HIS plan and how much He loves me.  Thank you, thank you.


Lacking Joy!

This week has been filled with tears, anxiety, heartbreak and concern as I have prayed for friends and families who have been struck with grief, diseases, sickness and hard relationships.  It has felt so heavy.  I shared with my husband Brad the other night that I miss laughter and need more joy in my life.  I know that the world is an evil place but I also know that my God is bigger and He has it under control but I sure have not been feeling it or living in that truth.

God spoke to me this morning through His Word and through an email devotional.  God wanted me to know through Colossians 1:23 “But you must continue to believe this truth and stand firmly in it.  Don’t drift away from the assurance you  received when you heard the Good News.  The Good News has been preached all over the world, and I, Paul have been appointed as God’s servant to proclaim it.”  

Then this quote came from Aletha Hintorn in my email devotional that just summed it up so well about living in the Overflow of God’s love.

“Living in the “overflow” of God’s love is not a continual euphoric feeling – walking around as if our feet are not touching the ground. It is living in the reality of our broken world, with broken families, and broken individual lives and yet keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus while serving (Hebrews 12:1). He is our example – perfect Love with skin. To live in the overflow is to become more like Jesus. It has moral, spiritual, social, emotional, and physical benefits to all who put Him first.”

I cannot remove myself from the hurt in this world.  BUT I HAVE TO BELIEVE IN HIS PERFECT LOVE FOR ME AND STAND FIRM IN THAT TRUTH!  I know the Good News, I just have to CONTINUE to believe that God is in control and in resting in that place I can have the joy and laughter He wants me to have.


Well with my soul

I attended a funeral this weekend of a family friend.  She was a beautiful woman who had an incredible love for her Lord, family and everyone she met.  She was only 59 years old and many of us question why someone who was such a lover of people and a generous person was taken so soon.   The funeral was one of the most beautiful that I have attended.  We sang worship songs on healing and hope.  The last song we sang was “It is Well with my Soul”  As I sang the lyrics and thought about my father’s passing and her passing,  I had to think if I really believed the words I was singing. 

  1. When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll;
    Whatever my lot,Thou has taught me to say, It is well, it is well, with my soul.

    • Refrain:
      It is well, with my soul,
      It is well, it is well, with my soul.
  2. Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come,
    Let this blest assurance control, That Christ has regarded my helpless estate,
    And hath shed His own blood for my soul.
  3. My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought!
    My sin, not in part but the whole, Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,
    Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!
  4. And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight,
    The clouds be rolled back as a scroll; The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend, Even so, it is well with my soul.

Sorrows like sea billows rollWhatever my lot;  Satan should buffet; Though trials should come

Those are some pretty strong words, can I really say “it is well with my soul”

My desire is that I can cling to the words of the song that say “Let this blest assurance control, That Christ has regarded my helpless estate, And hath shed His own blood for my soul”  He died for me and He has it in His control, I might not understand but I need to rest on that truth so I can say “IT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL”


A tribute to my Dad

Sixteen years ago today, my dad died while on vacation in Bronson, Missouri from a heart attack.  Sixteen years seems like a long time, but the memories of that time are still so fresh in my mind. 

I remember the phone call from my mom that said he was in the hospital with chest pains but everything tested o.k. and he should be getting discharged soon.  I recall the phone call several hours later from mom saying dad just went “code blue” and then the next phone call shortly later that said he was gone.  Wow, how fast life can change. 

Other memories keep flooding through my mind….standing in my living room surrounded by friends and family praying and collapsing on the floor in grief; yelling “my dad just died” to the flight attendant on the airplane that wouldn’t let me get up to use the restroom;  later yelling at another airport worker when I couldn’t locate my brother at the airport; meeting my mother for the first time at the airport, the tears, shock and grief.  Then the long nighttime drive home from Missouri with my mother, the funeral and then a new “normal”.  I could go on and on about those memories that seem just like yesterday, but 16 years have passed and I have missed him so much.   There are so many things that he has missed out on in my life, the biggest is that he never got to meet my children, oh what a heartache that brings. 

I don’t want to stay in that place of heartache; I want to remember this great man.  My dad was a man of gentle strength, a man of few words.  But when he did speak it was with confidence and his words made an impact.  He was a man of vision and dreams.  He was an entrepreneur and great business man.  A man with only an 8th grade education but with a mind to learn and guts to try new things.  He had a heart for missions and an incredible giving spirit.  He stood up for what he believed in and stood up for those who couldn’t do it themselves.   I recall many times seeing him sitting on his chair reading his Bible.  He was a strong man of faith and had a great love for God.

Since he was man of few words, we didn’t have a lot of deep conversations but we bonded by watching IU basketball and sharing our love for sports.  Even though the conversations were not often deep, I knew the love was there.  He cared about what I was doing in life and wanted the best for me.

I know that I have been blessed to inherit some of his traits and my desire is that I can live them out with the same strength, confidence and guts that he had to follow my heart and pursue what God is calling me to.  Thank you dad for all that you did for me during the 25 years we had together.  I miss you so much!!


Go Go Gadget

I am a gadget nut!  I love to get all of the latest gadgets that are suppose to make life easier and better.  When I was newly married, I bought up every cool gadget from Pampered Chef.  In the past year it has been a Cake Pop machine, Whoopie Pie maker, quesadilla maker, spaghetti serving measurer…..etc….  My hubby just rolls his eyes and says “did you really need that?” or his next comment will be “where are you going to store that?” Oh how I love that man!!

So I have to confess, I purchased a new gadget this past week.  For once it is not something that belongs in the kitchen but it is probably my most expensive gadget yet.  My hope is that the benefits I get from this one will out weigh the cost. 

I got myself a FitBit Tracker.      This past year has been tough for me health wise and I totally stopped exercising and eating healthy.  The scale has done a good job in telling me the cold hard truth.  In the past when I get into a good exercise routine my eating habits start aligning too.  So this latest gadget is my motivational tool to getting back on track with being active.  I am one that is motivated by goals.  I have been using it for 5 days and so far I am loving it and I have reached my goals each day.  It syncs to my account on  It tracks steps, floors climbed, miles, calories burned and my active score.  It also can track your sleep patterns.  I have found this part very interesting.  It tells me how long it took me to fall asleep and how many times I woke up during the night.  I know the importance of sleep to your health so this is pretty cool.   My main goals are 10000 steps, 5 miles, 10 flights of steps climbed per day.  The hardest part is reaching the 5 miles.  You can walk a lot of steps but not reach the miles marker.  I have started back on my elliptical machine, which helps get me 1 1/2 to 2 miles.

Another cool part is that it syncs with my Fitness Pal app on my iPhone.  I log my food intake on there and it syncs to my Fitbit account.  I have a clear picture at the end of my day how much food I took in and how many calories I have burned.  This past weekend while in Indy my food intake was not under control and so in the food plan part on my account it had a big “whoops you have over eaten by !!!!! calories.” The truth hurts!

So time will only tell if this gadget will help keep me on the straight path to health.  I know that it is not the gadget that will help me lose weight it is my determination and self- discipline, but hey can’t help but give this little gadget a chance!  Oh and by the way, my hubby has not stated either of the usual comments yet, but then he has seen me moving like he hasn’t for a long time, I just might get him sold on this gadget!



Uneasy Feeling

Do you ever have days when you carry an uneasy feeling in your stomach and feel restless but can’t pinpoint what is up?  That is me today. Here are just a few things that my mind has dealt with today. 

I got on the scale this morning, (something I am trying not to do very often) and I was down 1.8 pounds, which put a smile on my face.  But I thought about all the hard work I have ahead of me to keep that number coming down. 

Our family dog, Datzie has a dislocated knee cap and it took a turn for the worse yesterday, which raises the question, how much money do we put into her health?  I dislike watching her suffer, she is 7 years old. 

I am starting to lead a Bible study this week and am nervous and excited about it. 

I found out a family friend died today after suffering a stroke and my heart breaks for her family but also rejoicing that she is not suffering anymore and completely healed in the arms of Jesus.

Some of these things seem so minor in light of the trials I have dealt with in the past and the present heartache of death, but they all mesh together in my head, heart and have landed in my stomach.   What is important?  How many days do I have yet on this earth? Writing this has helped me process and the only thing that comes into my head is FAITH in God and endurance for each day!

I went to  and searched endurance.  What encouragement in Romans 5:3-4  We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation.

So God is working on my character today and I am to rejoice in it.  I want to remain strong in my confident hope of my loving Savior, who dealt with so many things in His days, but He endured it all and went to the cross for me.


Our Special Weekend

My oldest son Bryson plays for the Elkhart County Cardinals softball team, a part of Special Olympics.  This is his first year playing softball with them, he has played in the Challenger league the past 5 or so years.  Bryson loves sports and his desire is to play for all of the professional teams some day.  I love his enthusiasm and his belief in his abilities.  As a mom it is difficult to have to tell him that he can’t because of his disabilities.  Special Olympics is a great place for him to live out his dream and not be hindered by his disabilities.  This weekend was the Special Olympics Softball tourney in Indianapolis.  The Cardinals played a great game, Bryson played short stop and was 2-2 batting.  The Cardinals were awarded the gold medal and oh what excitement!!  I love the passion from each of the players, the encouragement to each other, the energy.  I want to give a big thank you to Coach Wendie, Coach Marla and Coach Jeri who put so much time into the team.  They have a great way of teaching these kids the game of softball and it is done with such love and encourgement.  I realized how we have a lot to learn from these kids.  They don’t let their disabilites stop them from life, they live it with a zealous spirit.  I overheard Coach Wendie tell someone else this weekend “these kids teach me 10 times more than I can teach them.”  I believe there is such truth in that statement.  They teach us because they live from the heart not from abilities and appearances.  As it says in the scriptures:

1 Samuel 16:7 (NLT)  But the Lord said to Samuel, “Don’t judge by his appearance or height, for I have rejected him. The Lord doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

The Lord cares about our heart!  So often we feel sorry for those who are hindered by their disabilities but maybe we need to stop and ponder on what disabilities might be blocking us from living our lives with “ALL HEART!”

Our family stayed in Indy Saturday night and we attended the Colts vs Vikings game on Sunday.  We are big time Colts fans, it has been a bit rocky the past year and we were all sad to see Peyton Manning leave but we decided we are going to dive into this new era and make the best of it!  It was a great atmosphere at the stadium and awesome that we pulled out a win!  It was also great to party with good friends, Gordon, Lynette, Ali & Kara!

A last little note, Bryson did have another seizure on Friday.  The doctor increased one of his nightly seizure meds so I pray that this is all that is needed to stop the seizure activity.  Thanks for your prayers.