Happy Saturday! To be honest, today doesn’t seem any different then the last 7 days here. I don’t think I’m ready to live in the retirement zone. I’m enjoying the slow pace but for a gal who is used to being busy and lots of appointments on my calendar, this is different. Over the past 2-3 years, I have been working on learning to “just be” and “being in the present” I believe that God is giving me ample opportunities to work on these here.
I appreciate those of you who sent me names for the RV but I did some research last night about words related to the desert. I have decided on calling the 5th wheel My Oasis and MO for short. Although the literal meaning of oasis is “a green spot in the desert,” it can also be used to describe a peaceful area in our everyday lives. Peace, I think can be associated with what I wrote about in the first paragraph. I wanted something short also, so MO it is!
From our RV resort I can see these mountains and it wasn’t until yesterday on our boat cruise did I learn its name Four Peaks. Four Peaks is a prominent landmark on the eastern skyline of Phoenix. Part of the Mazatzal Mountains, it is located in the Four Peaks Wilderness in the Tonto National Forest, 40 miles east-northeast of Phoenix. In winter, Four Peaks offers much of the Phoenix metro area a view of snow-covered peaks. (I hope this is as close as I get to snow this winter) I love mountains and each time I leave MO and I see this view, I’m amazed at God’s handywork.
One thing that I am learning here in the southwest is that most restaurants don’t serve sweet tea! This will definitely be a hardship! Maybe it’s God’s way of saying “Lisa, drink more water!!”
One final note for today, I got to empty the black (poop) tank for the first time by myself today. At first it didn’t quite flow like Brad had explained and I thought “am I going to have to go to my neighbor and ask for help with my poop?” But a few extra water flushes and all was well!
I’m finding it hard to find a balance between the idea that I’m living here and not just vacationing. Today is day 8 since we left home. I feel like B and I are in a decent rhythm in the RV. B sleeps on the sofa bed in the main area and so we open it every evening and close it up each morning, this morning while I was in the shower, I heard a thud and B was putting his bed away by himself. I was impressed!
Yesterday my plan was to stay at the RV park all day, but I had my first Amazon package delivered to a local Amazon locker and I HAD to go pick it up, which led to a visit to Target, Bealls Outlet and Walgreens. We then settled in for the evening to watch the Colts on Thursday night football at 5:00 PM. That was just weird. The game ended here a bit before 9, it was one of the worse Colts games I have watched but hey I got to stay up to the end, even OT and they won.
The weather has been gorgeous, in the upper 80’s and sunny and we are loving every minute of it. Today we ventured out to Saguaro Lake 15 minutes from us, we got there just when they were ready to board for a cruise of the lake. I learned a lot on the 80-minute cruise, and I definitely felt like a tourist today.
Long Horn Sheep
The next photos are a few in the RV…
My office/dining spaceB’s dining space
Well, I think that is all for now. I have gotten a few name suggestions for our RV.. still haven’t decided yet. I hope everyone has a good weekend! Stay warm!
As I was laying in bed last night, first night of just B and me, I was reflecting on the last blog post I did in August of 2014. Kaden and I had just come home from Jamaica, and I was not in a good place with Jesus and His timing. On that trip Kaden and I had flown into Kingston airport which is not a tourist airport. It was nighttime and it was raining. My cell phone didn’t work, and I was praying that Patrick, our friend and driver, would be outside waiting for us. Walking into a dark and rainy night, our white skin stuck out in the sea of dark. Thankfully, Patrick was waiting for us, and we headed on our 2-hour journey to our “home” for the next week. I remember that drive as if it were yesterday and my thoughts of “what in the world am I doing in the middle of this small island with my 11-year-old son with no control over anything going to see this boy who God had told me was my son?”
Well, I had a thought a lot like that again, this time it is “what in the world am I doing in the middle of the desert with my oldest son and finding him a family to live with 1900 miles away from me?” When I let my mind marinate on this it feels right but oh so hard and that was the same feelings I had with the adoption process, it was right but oh so hard.
We had to wait another 11 months after Kaden and my trip in August of 2014 till Stevan made his way home. The process, the waiting, the crying out to God on what in the world He thought He was doing was exhausting and damaging to my faith…. and then Stevan came home, and I fell further downward into depression, anger, and questions. God has been faithful, and He has led me and has restored me and has shown me new ways of freedom in my relationship with Him. Now here I am again, in a place of waiting on the process, dealing with exhaustion from caregiving for Bryson. I’m waiting on a government again to move and approve what I need for Bryson’s next move. In a lot of ways this feels like a vacation, I’m surrounded by mountains, cactus, and palm trees but it’s just me and Bryson in our little home (still need a name for it). I’m now his fulltime caregiver with no one to give me a break. I’m looking forward to the day when I can have a break from caregiving Bryson and just be his mom. Then I think to what happened when I got what I had been fighting for those 2 years of the adoption process and prayers were answered and Stevan came home. It really is a scary place for me, and I covet your prayers.
So that is my deep thoughts for the day… so here is a brief look at the last two days of our adventure.
Yesterday was haircut for Bryson and on the way there we saw our first pack of wild horses. Bryson got to sit by the pool for a bit yesterday. Today we went and saw the movie Running the Bases, it is a great movie with a strong message on grief, questioning God’s ways, forgiveness and living out the life God calls you to do! Bryson played a little basketball this afternoon too.
I’m sitting in my new office space/dining table in my new home away from home. It feels surreal! My mind wants to go a lot of places and I’m trying to keep it centered into the purpose of what I want to share here in this blog post. Those of you who follow me on Facebook know what this adventure that Bryson and I are on. Here is what I posted over a week ago…..
Just wanted to give everyone an update on the next GREAT PLETT ADVENTURE. As some of you know, Bryson has been wanting to move to Arizona for quite some time. This seemed like a wild dream but after much research, communication and prayers we are going to attempt to make his dream come true. The state of Arizona is known for their good disability benefits, and we have connected with a great agency in the Phoenix area that works with adults with disabilities. Brad, Bryson, Ty and I are heading out next weekend. Brad and Ty will be there for several days to help get Bryson and I set up in our 5th wheel at a RV resort in the Phoenix area. This process could be 3-5 months to get everything in place for him to live with a family in Arizona. We don’t know how this will all play out but as I have processed this over the past year my thoughts always come back to the idea that as parents, we want our children to grow and find their own identity and place. Yes, Bryson has a lot of challenges that are different from the “normal” child but that shouldn’t disqualify him from branching out and discovering new places and new opportunities. We would appreciate your prayers for our entire family during this time of transition.
To recap the last 4 days, let’s just say that Arizona and Indiana are a loooog way from each other when you drive. Thankful for safe travels on our 2 day drive. Our home is out on the edge of the desert, in a quiet RV resort but Target is only 8 minutes away. We have to drive over a cattle gate to enter the resort since there are cows loose around the area. We were introduced to one of them on the first day right in front of our RV.
Brad built a new entry way into the RV for our safety.
On our second day here we got to experience a dust storm. Ty, Bryson and I had just headed out for a walk and suddenly the wind picked up and Ty looked behind us and saw a wall of dust. He sprinted back to the RV but I didn’t figure Bryson and I could run fast enough so we ran into the laundry room till the dust storm ended. Ty googled it and it seems that they don’t get them very often here but hey now I can check that off my bucket list to experience! One limb behind our RV didn’t make it.
Yesterday we went shopping to get things for our outside space. We brought one chair from home but Bryson wanted a reclining chair and AT HOME is only 1/2 hour away and didn’t disappoint. Bryson likes the outside TV and sat there for awhile waiting till we went out for supper.
The weather has been warm, it definitely isn’t fall here yet but the stores are full of fall decor and even Christmas decor. It really doesn’t feel right… it is still HOT. Brad and Ty left this morning and I was able to organize a few more things since there is more space. This RV wasn’t made for 4 people. Bryson keeps asking me when are we going to go to town. I told him “just chill” we have lots of time and I need to pause a bit.
I do need some help, I want to name our RV. As some of you know, the title that comes up on my phone is Queen of Plett Nation, so Brad thought it should be named Buckingham Palace, I think that’s too formal. Send me your ideas in the comments and I will work on getting this RV named. The person that provides the name I choose will get a small gift from me!
Thanks so much for your prayers and please continue, the rubber really hits the road now. I will keep you all posted here on our adventures, update on Bryson’s benefits and maybe there might be a few deep posts sprinkled in here and there.
You can subscribe to my blog to get an email when I post. Welcome to the Wild West!
So my last blog post on this site was 8 years, 1 month and 17 days ago. A lot has happened in that time span. I want to journey through those 8 years in these next blogs but mostly I am welcoming you back as I am on another adventure in my life. This is just supposed to be a transition blog post… I’ll be back soon and start letting you into my life again! Welcome back!
I dream often in my sleep, sometimes I remember a lot of details other times it is all vague. Last night I had the type that I remembered. It seemed to be a bit on the crazy end of things and so I dismissed it from my mind when I got out of bed. But when I started getting dressed for the day about an hour later, bits and pieces started floating through my head and I just felt a sense that God had a message for me in it.
The dream started with Brad and I planning a 20th anniversary party, (which is still over a year away) and it was planned down at some church in Kokomo. Why there??? The day of the party Brad asks me to go motorcycle riding with him. OK, this is where the craziness begins, I DON’T RIDE MOTORCYCLES! I am afraid of them, my best idea would be to never get on one of them. Second, Brad doesn’t own a motorcycle. Anyway, back to the dream. We head off for a ride and we are driving here and there, there was no rhyme and reason to our route. Then all of a sudden I recall what day and time it is and start going crazy about I never ordered the cake, I didn’t get any decorations together, and not even sure if I planned the food. I also realized that it was 12:30 and the party was supposed to start at 1:00 and we were nowhere near the church in Kokomo. Actually in my dream I realized I had no idea where the place even was that this party was suppose to be. I became frustrated with Brad for “making” me go on this ride with him when He knew what day it was. My mind started going to all the people who would be expecting food and a nice party since that is what I am good at putting together. In my dream I saw the first people arrive and I saw the disappointment on their faces and then the dream ended.
So what message did God have for me through this dream? It was a simple message, He simply said “Lisa you need to lay down your fears of the unknown, you need to lay down your people pleasing, rule following and perfectionist ways and you need to just ride with ME!”
So what message is God trying to deliver to you, are you willing to listen? I do, I want to learn to always say YES when God asks me to ride!
My boys have a Boxer named Roxie; she is almost 2 years old and has found her way deep into the hearts of all of us in the family. She is an outside dog, but likes to find ways to sneak in and cuddle with someone on the couch. Today when I was coming home from some errands around town, I found her laying on the front porch in the sunshine. My first thought was “Roxie it is way to cold to be outside why are you not in the garage?” My mind started turning and my conclusion was that she feels the warmth of the sun and that is way better than a closed grey garage.
How many times have I chosen to stay in a safe place instead of out in the Sonshine? My answer is not what I am very proud of, I too often let my fears take charge and I find myself still in the house instead of out in the Sonshine with Him. My mind knows the truth, it knows that anywhere with Him there is joy, grace, love and WARMTH, but sometimes my heart has a hard time believing and it tells me that a warm house with a blanket is the place to stay.
When I look outside today the sky is blue, the sun is shining bright, even when the temperature says it is really cold out there. I need to always remember to keep my focus looking UP and on the SON because no matter what anyone else says, HE IS THE ONLY ONE THAT CAN PROVIDE THE WARMTH THAT I NEED!
Indiana has been experiencing some cold weather the past several days. It has chilled me to the bone, since I am not a big fan of winter. While taking my boys to school this morning Ty checked the weather on my iPhone as the temperature on the Envoy read 3 degrees, he stated that it was -34 with -41 wind chill where Grandpa and Grandma live in Manitoba, Canada. Wow, that sent a shiver through me. So what is cold? All about perspective and what we get used too. It brought up memories of the times we were in Manitoba over Christmas with these temps and you still went about your normal business just with a little more urgency when you were outside. The truth is that it is cold but we have to realize that to others this temp would feel good. I told my boys that we probably should not tell our Canadian relatives we had 2 hour delays the past several days for cold. They would probably chuckle. But for us who are not used to it, it was the right decision.
This concept applies to circumstances too. We have things come up in our lives that seem big and overwhelming, but in light of what others are going through it might appear small to them. An example is Bryson’s broken toe this week. In light of all of his other issues, a broken toe is quite trivial and to the many people who are on my prayer list who are dealing with BIG, TOUGH stuff, it’s just a toe!! I had to keep reminding myself of this on Tuesday when I was taking him to the doctor and for x-rays. I found myself having a pity party for myself and grumbling about another bump along his journey. But I realized I can’t stay in that place. We all will experience circumstances in our life but compared to the bigger picture it isn’t something to get depressed over. Yes, I have to recognize that it is a bump but not stay in that place of pity but realize God’s provision and grace. Thankfully it wasn’t anything worse, it was just a TOE.
This morning Bryson had an MRI done. His last one was 12 years ago when he was two years old. The neurologist thought it would be a good idea to check and see if anything had changed in his brain since he has been having more seizure activity. The MRI wasn’t a problem this morning; the part that was difficult was getting the IV put in. Bryson has always been a hard stick and has had to have a lot of blood work done over the years with his seizure medications. I usually don’t tell the technicians that he is a hard stick so they don’t have that in their minds. Bryson is very good at telling them what to try and not try, and he watches intently ever time they stick him. He likes to have the blood draws on his right side since he has decreased feeling there. This morning they tried twice on his right arm with no luck and so they had to move to his left arm. They got the IV in once and then it blew when they were flushing it, so they had to try again. At one point, there was a tech looking at his right arm and two looking at his left arm, with his arms stretched open he looked up at me and said “can you take my place?” How do you answer that question? Even as I type it now, my eyes watered and my heart aches. Any parent who has had to watch their child go through something that involves pain, I’m sure can relate to this feeling, you just want to take their place and make it all better. I just looked at him and told him I would take his place if I could.
Bryson never complains about the tough stuff in his life and he speaks straight from his heart. I knew that those words were his way of telling me he didn’t like what was going on but it wasn’t spoken with any kind of complaint or blame in his voice, just truth. When the technician that finally was able to get the IV in his left hand was leaving the room, with tears in her eyes she told me that he was an amazing kid, I just agreed with tears in my eyes too. All day I have been processing this ache in my heart. I so often have questioned God with “why Bryson?” But I am reminded again and again, how God makes no mistakes and Bryson has taught me more about the grace and love of God then any other experience in my life. The picture that came to my mind after Bryson asked me that question in the position with open arms, was of Jesus on the cross with open arms, He did take my place! It is hard for me to fathom sometimes the love my Savior had for me to die on the cross in my place. I also find it hard to fathom the reason why Bryson has to experience such difficulties in life, but even if I never understand the reasons, what I do know is that God is always there to heal the brokenhearted, to give comfort to those hurting, His love never fails and all His plans are for good and not harm. Knowing these things can bring me peace even when my heart hurts.
The past several weeks have been crazy busy but really good. I have been blessed with different opportunities that have given me fresh eyes!
Brad’s brother and family came down from Manitoba to spend a week with us. I was so reminded of the value of family. The bond that is there even though 1100 miles separate us most of the time. The joy of watching cousins play together and knowing that the beauty of adoption has allowed this relationship to happen. Marveling at how these two boys can be so alike but don’t share the same blood line!! Knowing that it can only come from the Master and His creativity and His divine plan.
We hosted three young boys and a chaperone from the African Children’s Choir. Listening to the boys talk to each other in their native tongue with such excitement and occasionally recognizing words such as cow, horse as we drove along the countryside. New landscape, new experiences received with such freshness, such awe. The beauty that is around me all the time that I take for granted. The reality hitting deep down in my soul of the incredible blessings that God has provided me and the many people that are out in the world with nothing. God, break my heart for those in the world, increase my thankfulness to you, humble my heart at your goodness, mercy and grace you shower on me.
I attended Come to the Fire Conference this past weekend in Illinois. What a place filled with the Holy Spirit. I heard again of the overflowing love of God, how He wants intimacy with me. He wants to be my all and all, fresh eyes at the power of His love for me and How he desires for me to delight in Him. He wants to be ENOUGH for me!
So amazed at how God orchestrates my life to teach me, to grow me and to give me fresh eyes to see the beauty of HIS plan and how much He loves me. Thank you, thank you.