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I have a Song for That

I have a dear friend, who has a gift of encouragement by sharing songs that meet you right where you need it most.  Songs have a way of speaking directly into the soul. 

When I am in a certain mood, lyrics from songs will pop in my head and add an extra boast of fun to a conversation. 

I always have music playing in my car. Many times, I’m not truly listening, it’s white noise.  There are times when I need words to sooth my heart and God delivers the exact song I need to hear.

Songs have a way of taking you back…. Just the other day, I heard a song, and it took me back to my youth group days, I could see the place, the people and I recalled exactly what we were doing as we were jamming to the song.  There are several worship songs that I love but are hard for me to listen to… they take me back to a hard situation in my life and those songs were played often during that time. 

My love for music started with Amy Grant, Michael W Smith, Stevan Curtis Chapman, Carman, Silverwind! This summer, when we were at my SIL house, they had a record of Silverwind… I got giddy and played it… oh the memories that flooded back.

As I started the research process for my book, I read through my writings from the past.  Included in my writings were many quotes, bible verses and song lyrics.  Many of them I want to include in my book because they were helpful to me at that time.  But I discovered that I can’t include song lyrics in my book because of copyright laws.  It makes me sad because music/songs are a huge part of me.

The Bible references music in some form in 1150 verses. God invites us to worship Him in song as a form of communication. He gifts people with words to write songs that bless His people. 

As I write my book and tell you about how God has moved through my life, I want to reflect and remember His grace, His power and trust Him in this process.  As I recall the memories of the good times and the hard times…. I just might have a song for that!

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Published by Lisa Plett

Wife, mother, special needs mom, adoptive mom, daughter, sister and follower of Jesus.

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