Brad loves Johnny Cash and his song I’ve Been Everywhere seems very applicable to my life now.
“I’ve been everywhere, man
I’ve been everywhere, man
Crossed the deserts bare, man
I’ve breathed the mountain air, man
Of travel I’ve had my share, man
I’ve been everywhere”
I have traveled roughly 1500 miles from Arizona to Indiana, roughly 1700 from Indiana to Jamaica and then back….. approximately 6400 miles from January 13 through January 23rd! I crossed over miles of desert and I breathed in wonderful Jamaica mountain air.
I am now grounded back in Arizona and working on settling back into life here. I took my mom to the airport this morning. It was a blessing for her to be here and helping with Bryson’s care. I was able to go to Jamaica and know that Bryson was in good hands. I want to give a huge shout out to Lora for accompanying mom on this trip and being her driver and companion. Lora, thanks for blessing me with all the projects that you did around the house for me!
Our trip to Jamaica was a success and we accomplished our housing projects and made many good memories. I find it a privilege to come along side Jamaica Relief Ministries and helping them fulfill their mission of making an impact on the lives of Jamaicans. Below are a few pictures from our week.

We are now in the final stretch of waiting in regards to Bryson’s placement process with a family. I had a 2 ½ hour assessment interview on January 12th before I left the Valley. The paperwork is in the system. Because we have completed our search for a family before this step was done it hopefully will make these last steps move faster. At this time, I am praying for placement middle to end of February and returning home in March sometime.
As I get older I am realizing more and more the importance of my heritage. Yesterday, I was blessed to be with my mom and her two remaining siblings, her brother lives in California and her sister in the Phoenix area. I heard numerous stories of God’s faithfulness over the years in the Bender family and also humorous stories from their childhood. My cousin Teresa and I spent time reading The Budget (the Amish newspaper) and we caught up on a lot of valuable information. Who needs Facebook!

Bryson’s 25th birthday is this Sunday, the 29th. I would love if you would flood him with messages. If I let myself feel all the feels… I think he is sad and misses his people, but he is afraid to acknowledge that because he wants to live here. His emotional and mental capacity is limited in understanding these feelings and emotions. You can find him on Facebook but I would love if you text him and let him know he hasn’t been forgotten.
After a lot of thought on my part and talking to Brad we have decided we need to rehome Bryson’s dog Rizzo. I love that dog but with our traveling schedules and looking long term it feels like the best thing to do for Rizzo. Rizzo has been at a dog sitter a lot of the last few months and I see how much he loves being with other dogs and children and getting more attention than we can provide. Bryson and I went on a walk yesterday and I told him about this decision. He doesn’t understand and it makes me sad but it won’t work for him to have a dog here. If you or you know of someone who would want a 5 year old Pomsky, please private message me. I plan to post on Facebook soon also.

Prayer requests:
- Bryson adjustment to his new family over the next months
- Bryson accepting the decision to find Rizzo a new home and also to locate the best home for Rizzo
- Pray for me as the transition to the next phase of my life is coming closer and as I walk through this process.
- Pray for Brad and I as we together prepare for the next chapter of our lives.
- Pray for Jamaica Relief Ministries as they serve the people of Jamaica and as they are currently fighting arrows that the devil has fired at them. Pray that the devil will be defeated and that God’s plan for JRM will continue to thrive.
Thanks for reading all the way to the end. I hope to get back to regular writing. I realize how much I enjoy this and how much it feeds my soul.
Praying always, Lisa ❤️
Dear Lisa,
I have enjoyed reading your posts. You have a gift of writing.(I think I knew this years ago!) I’m trying to feel how you must be feeling on your journey. I’m sad for your grieving process but I’m also super proud of you and Brad as you help Bryson in his adult life. God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we ask, think, or imagine!
I can almost picture your location in Phoenix and wish I could come visit you.