This weekend has been full of messages to me about Looking UP. It started with a video on Facebook about not to just be looking down and on our phones but to look up and make eye to eye contact with people and to connect. An amazing conference that stressed the importance of saying YES to God and then living with adoration for HIM and letting Him lead me. Another message was from a sister in the church who shared about how she saw herself entering the throne room of God but she was looking down in shame instead of up and into God’s eyes. Through a great word from the pulpit at church. At lunch with a friend she shared her desire to connect with other women. So what is God trying to tell me?
I realized that I live my life to much looking down at my circumstances, with fear and not spending enough time looking up and receiving the power of the Holy Spirit. Even during worship yesterday as I had my head bowed but my hands up I thought this pose doesn’t seem right. If I am living in pure adoration of my God I need to be looking up!
When we look up we see others and in seeing others we need to be compelled to connect, help, LOVE. When we look up we are not hiding behind our fears and pain we are looking up to grab a hold of new life and HOPE. Confession, sometimes when I am out in public and someone is approaching me coming the other way, I want to just put my head down and not make that eye to eye contact, WHY? I’m not sure, but maybe I’m afraid of seeing the other person and realizing we are kindred spirits that I need to reach out to, if only with a Hi or maybe a whispered prayer for them.
So this week my plan and desire is to LOOK UP, go through my days with my chin up and my eyes searching for all that God has from me. Right now I am looking out my window and just in looking up from this computer I see God speaking to me through the budding trees of new life. New life that He is promising me as I learn to LOOK UP into HIS eyes and the eyes of the WORLD. I can make a difference for HIM by just keeping my eyes looking UP to the Cross and HIS amazing LOVE for me.