Encouragement, Family, Special Needs

Lord, Help!

As I was reading through Psalm 107, I was impacted by the words from verses 6, 19 and 28.  All three of these verses are the same “Lord, help! They cried in their trouble, and he rescued them from their distress.”

Distress feels like a very intense word, and I can recall the many times in the past 9 months when I felt like I was living in that place.  Since I have been home and adjusting to life here, I have focused on the fact that Bryson is happy and I’m working on finding the new normal.

Yesterday, I received an email from our lawyer about Bryson’s hearing date with the State of Arizona.  I was jolted out of my “settled in” place and realized the battle has not been won.  Yes, Bryson is happy and with an amazing family, but my checkbook reflects the fact that the battle isn’t over.  We haven’t accomplished the ultimate goal of approval to pay for Bryson’s placement in an ADH (Adult Development Home)

Bryson’s hearing date is scheduled for July 18. Our lawyer has requested a prehearing conference and that is scheduled for June 27.  This is where she will present all the evidence to show that Bryson does not need a skilled nursing group home to handle his diabetes equipment. Our lawyer has worked on many cases like this before and she has been able to get the decision overturned during the prehearing call almost every time. 

I ask you join me… Lord, help our lawyer deliver with confidence the evidence she has gathered in Bryson’s case.  Lord, help the person who is hearing this case to hear the truth and to see what is best for Bryson’s placement and future. Thank you, Lord, for listening to our prayer!

Thank you!

On a lighter note…. As I was sitting writing this, Gus came and joined me at my desk. He loves watching the birds out the window.  He isn’t very helpful as his tail is constantly moving onto my laptop.  I’m glad that his tail isn’t hard because he whips it back and forth quite violently at times.

I’m thankful for Gus and Rizzo, they cause me to smile often even when the day seems hard.  

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Published by Lisa Plett

Wife, mother, special needs mom, adoptive mom, daughter, sister and follower of Jesus.

3 thoughts on “Lord, Help!”

  1. Mary Bontrager says:

    I will be praying for you and the hearing.❤️

  2. Julia says:

    Sending prayers for this hearing. 🙏

  3. Marlene says:

    Praying for this!

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