Timed changed this weekend but technically it didn’t affect me, Arizona doesn’t change times. The good news, Indiana is now two hours difference in time versus three.
Thank you all for your prayers and support last week. It was a difficult few days. Friday afternoon I did receive an email from the government agency that she was reopening the case. PTL!! Now I am back to waiting to see if they have all the paperwork they need to decide if Bryson qualifies for benefits.
Friday, I was emotionally and mentally exhausted so we didn’t do much, I went into town to get a few groceries and was blessed to see wild horses close to the entrance of the RV resort.

When Brad was here a few weeks ago, I had talked to him about getting a latch so that I could keep the outside rv door open and just have the screen door. We ran out of time for him to come up with a solution. But I found a way…. Brad called me “MacGyver”!

Ty arrived late Friday night and we have enjoyed a fun weekend together. His friend, Josh arrived Saturday night and we did some exploring on Sunday. The guys played basketball with Bryson and took him out for breakfast, to give me a little alone time. The guys are still here as I am writing, I have them finishing up the honey do list! We are taking them to the airport this afternoon and then it will be back to just me and B.

I have had a lot of deep thoughts swirling through my head over the last week and they need to come out onto paper, but I haven’t allowed myself time to truly process all of them so hopefully this week I can spend time praying and processing.
Thanks again for being my village…