It has been three days since I left you hanging on the good news I received. Sorry to do that but I’m here now. The email that I received on Monday was to say that Bryson had been approved from the first government agency. This agency decides eligibility based on a person’s disability. There are five disabilities that he could qualify under, he technically qualified under 4 of the 5 but he only needs to be approved for one of them! Now we have one more large hurdle to pass. This is with the funding piece of the AZ government that has to determine him eligible. This will involve a long and hard interview. We now wait to hear from them.
Other good news of the week, Brad, Bryson and I decided over Thanksgiving weekend which family he would live with. I notified them the first of this week and they are overjoyed to have Bryson be a part of their family. I will give you more details in the future but for now, we will continue to get to know them better till he can actually be placed in their home.
Onto way lighter subjects…… coffee shops!
Dutch Bros is one of the popular coffee shops in the Valley. We have been getting great drinks from them over the years. Stickers have become one of the current trends and Dutch Bros aims to please its cliental. They give out stickers on the first Wednesday of each month. Yesterday was the third Wednesday that we have been here and we had to go get our drinks and the monthly sticker. These coffee drinks to not line up well with Bryson’s diabetes and in the past I have kept him away from having any. I decided life is to short and if he wants to have an occasional high carb drink… why not!! This one drink is as many carbs as his normal cheeseburger and fries meal… It brings the high carb and calorie count into perspective on our countries expensive coffee drink habit.

After my gloomy post on Monday about the weather, the sun did come out and I saw my blue skies again. Sunsets here are beautiful and driving home the other evening, I pulled over beside the road four different times to take pictures. Bryson thought I was nuts. I love the pictures but they do not do justice to the real beauty.

We were greeted that evening as we arrived at the RV park by our friends. I had to stop again and capture this picture.

Ty is coming to visit again this weekend! It makes this mama heart happy. He was supposed to go snowmobiling up north this weekend but they don’t have enough snow, he is heading southwest instead. I quickly made a small honey do list for him to accomplish.
I can’t believe we are heading home in 10 days. I did check the predicted 15 day weather forecast for Goshen and realized I will have to actually put on closed shoes and socks. I’m not ready for the cold. I woke up this morning to discover the one LP tank had run out and the RV was 54 degrees. I quickly went outside and opened the other tank and I’ve got it warmed up in here already. But 54 is as cold as I would like it to be.
Hallelujah! A big step toward your goal. Praying that the rest will go smoothly.