Books, Encouragement, Family, Memoir, Special Needs

Thank You!

Happy Friday afternoon, I am so grateful right now that as I sit here writing this post, the sun is shining in my office window. Seeing the sun in northern Indiana in the winter months is rare.

Thank you to all who subscribed to my website. In doing this, you will get my latest blog posts and updates on my book directly to your email. The contract that I received from Hope*Books includes way more than just the opportunity to publish my book, but additional resources to help with publicity and marketing. I am grateful they provide these resources because those parts are quite foreign to me.

Now for the news of the day, who are the winners of a signed copy of my book In a Stroke of Love when it is released. I used ChatGPT to randomly draw 2 names.

DRUMROLL…… Winners are Rhonda Yutzy and Daniel Pierce. Congratulations!

I welcome anyone who is reading this who hasn’t subscribed yet, to tap on the button on the upper right-hand corner and subscribe. I will be using this subscriber list for future drawings and eventually putting together a launch team.

I was able to spend Wednesday writing for most of the day, and I feel much better about my process. My personality wants to have it done right the first time. I have come to realize that I have never written a book before, and the job of the editor is to help me get it right. My job is to write down the stories involving Bryson and me, as well as all the amazing things that God has taught me on this journey and leave the rest to my publisher.

Thanks again for all of your encouragement and prayers.

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Published by Lisa Plett

Wife, mother, special needs mom, adoptive mom, daughter, sister and follower of Jesus.

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