It just happened friends, my author copies of my book In a Stroke of Love arrived at my house this afternoon. It has left me with little words and big emotions.
To hold it in my hands is an insane feeling. I have been reading books since I was young and to see my name and flip through the pages and see my words, is a feeling I can’t describe.
I want to give a shout out to Justin from Advent Design LLC for updating my website. Also, to Jessi from J. Marie Photography for the photos for my social media accounts.
Thanks for subscribing, I know some of you do not have social media and I will be sending updates through email as often as I can. You can find me on Facebook and Instagram if you have social media.
If you haven’t already, preorder my book, the link is on my site. Also, I invite you to join my launch team. The link is also on my website. To get my book into more hands, I need you, my subscribers, to purchase and share the word.
Thanks for all of your support during my time in the desert moving Bryson and during the writing process. I believe the best is yet to come. My biggest thanks is to my Heavenly Father, only through Him this book is in my hands today.